Youtube " Type Beat's " How You Guys Feel?
The TRUTH about "type beats"… If you think making type beats is whack, this is for you.
I see so many people on various subreddits shitting on "type beats" and asking why a producer would want to sound like someone else. So, I wanted to clear up some misconceptions about type beats.
First, calling a beat a type beat is just an SEO (search engine optimization) strategy. It doesn't have to affect the creative process whatsoever. You could make the most original beat known to mankind. But when it comes time to upload it to YouTube, you ask yourself who you could hear on it or how you would describe it.
Why? You want to use the same terminology (i.e., keywords) artists are searching for so that your beat has a chance of being discovered. Chances are nobody is searching for your producer name, at least not yet. But tons of people are searching for a "21 Savage type beat" or "dark trap type beat." So, if you have half a brain, you will pick ways to describe your beat that artists are searching for.
Of course, you want to be mindful of keyword competition, and those are just examples, but my point is that using keywords of that nature doesn't mean your beat is a ripoff of some other producer's style. You may not have even had any rapper or producer in mind when you made it. Again, it's all about SEO and discoverability. I've even seen producers use keywords like "unique boom bap type beat." Even when they weren't quite sure how to describe it, they still called it a "type beat."
If you're not using the term "type beat" when uploading to YouTube, you're shooting yourself in the foot. You essentially have pride in not being findable. It's silly. Who cares how you describe a beat? It doesn't suddenly make an instrumental soulless or derivative when you put "type beat" in the title. It's still the same beat.
Second, let's say you did have a specific artist or producer in mind when you made a beat. So what? It's common for songwriters to write for a particular artist, and trying to make a beat in a certain style can be a good way to get the creative juices flowing. No matter what, it's still going to sound like you. It's your interpretation of a producer or artist's sound. There are numerous instances where an artist had a hit song or album and later admitted they were trying to emulate someone else. It didn't matter because there was no way they were going to achieve that. Nobody thinks of their work as a perfect copy, nor do they think of it as a poor imitation; it still sounds like their own work. That's an inescapable part of making music. Whatever you write will have your musical DNA, the culmination of your influences, tastes, and style, embedded into it. It's your self-expression, after all.
CHOSEN - To be honest what works for you is whats best for you, But make sure you have legal team and etc, I wanna see everyone win, But there is some people who will try and screw you over Take time out and LOOK EVERYTHING OVER IF YOU NEED HELP CONTACT ME!